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    Big thank you to TechTalk Summits, sponsors/presenters IDC, Juniper Networks, and Chazey Partners - A QX Global Group Company, and all of the speakers for an informative high-level look at early impacts to business delivered by AI, and especially generative AI (GAI), in today's TechTalk Summit Austin - AI Impact presentation!

    Interesting to see that there is coalescing agreement on ideas around how implementations should look (given the state of generative AI as of this time). 
    Largely the phases/steps/components are: (my oversimplification of presenters advocations)

    1) Experimentation
    2) Policy development
    3) Change management (controlled implementation)
    4) Relationship management with vendors/providers/suppliers
    5) Impact management (re-skilling of employees, changes in hiring structure etc)

    Risk management is also a key issue, as with all new, early technologies, including corporate data leakage, confidentiality with vendors, AI "screwups" (hallucinations, etc), unintended impacts, and legal ramifications.

    One area that is unsurprisingly still hazy is "when" -- when is the right time to jump in? As with cloud, GAI is in nascent stages of its modern iterations, and early adopters risk the technologies (or things like regulatory requirements) changing in a way that damages the implementation. Those that wait too long could suffer opportunity cost losses, and/or fall behind competitors who find the porridge that is just the right temperature.

    Thoughtful material for a Tuesday afternoon -- thanks to everyone involved!

    Matthew Fifer

    Senior IT Leader 

    GQR Global Markets
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    What a spectacular day at TechTalk Summits in Austin, held at Topgolf! Bursting with tech enthusiasm – undoubtedly the Tech Event of the Year! 👏

    A big shoutout to Mike Healy for inviting us to be a part of this exciting gathering.

    Kudos to our CEO, Phil Searle for delivering an exceptional workshop on Generative AI!

    Chazey Partners - A QX Global Group Company


  • Thanks for the great AI Summit yesterday. Can you please send out the presentation material? I'd like to further digest the materials and share my learning's!

    Carmen Paz

    Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives

  • Very informative. Great venue. Appreciate the invitation to CXO Roundtable Atlanta. Looking forward to the next event.

    Greg Scher

    Senior Vice President of Technology

  • Just a quick note to say thank you for last night’s TechTalk event. IP Pathways and Zerto’s presentations were very informative and some great BBQ also!

    Rob Frederick

    Service Desk Analyst

    Imperial PFS
  • What a pleasure to attend the LA CIO event to learn about emerging tech trends, including generative AI, and how they might affect the digital landscape in the future.

    ...the event was fantastic and got to meet good industry leaders. And the event was very well organized. 

    Shout out to the team who organized the event, cheers!

    Rakesh Reddy

    Chief Digital Officer


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