2024 Calendar
TechTalk Daily


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    What a journey it has been! As I pause to reflect on the first few months of this year, I'm grateful for the incredible opportunities to learn, implement, and exchange insights with some of the brightest minds across the globe.

    Gaining insights into AI implementation strategies from IDC's Daniel Saroff was enlightening. Daniel's perspective on the synergy between building and buying in the Gen AI era resonates deeply—big thanks to Mike Healy for setting up the enlightening Tech Talks.

    Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI!

    Nabeel Siddiqui

    Global Head of Tech & Automation

    SAP Digital
  • I attended TechTalk's IDC Dinner at STK in Atlanta, GA on April 24. The speakers were very
    informative. It was great to hear that many of us in the same industries are aligned with
    many of the same interests and integration (Al) in and on our company platforms. I met
    some great people which allowed me to make some great connections. Thank you so much
    for the invitation. I hope I am invited to future events.

    Clarissa Farrie

    Transportation Finance Manager

    Siemens Industry
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    TechTalk Summits DC CxO Dinner was a huge success with Dan Moriarty at the helm! The topics, the speakers, the attendees, the sponsors, the networking, and the dinner venue (Mastro's Steakhouse) all on point! Don’t miss the next event!

    Dr. Gina Guillaume-Joseph

    Chief Technology Officer (CTO), BEYA Modern Day Technology Leader, Advisory Board Member

  • I had a wonderful time at the TechTalk event in Houston on Tuesday. I am looking forward to attending future events and engaging with so many wonderful people. Thank you again for the invite. 

    Kelly Powell

    IT Project Manager - Corporate Systems

    Loomis US
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    I had the privilege of participating in an insightful discussion at 'The Future of Technology Leadership,' hosted by TechTalk Summits. This dynamic event centered on the pivotal role of technology leadership in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, delving into the convergence of crucial trends: the digitization of business processes, the imperative for digital leadership within organizations, and the burgeoning significance of AI as a business imperative.

    It was an exceptional opportunity to engage with executives representing diverse industries, all sharing a common drive for digital transformation. The discussions offered valuable insights into operational strategies embracing machine learning, fortifying cloud capabilities, data management, and the imperative of C-suite involvement in technology integration.

    Connecting with industry innovators and sponsors spearheading digital transformation initiatives was truly enriching. The exchange of specific information and networking opportunities not only broadened perspectives but also reinforced the significance of an agile technology strategy in gaining a competitive edge.

    Special thanks to the organizers (TechTalk Summits) and sponsors (Zerto & UST) for facilitating an environment conducive to learning and networking. Looking forward to applying these insights in our ongoing digital transformation journey.

    Gabriel Tirado

    Director - Global Digital Solutions 

  • We had a great time at the IDC Dinner in Cincinnati, and the room was packed. I am glad I got to go. 

    Dwayne Emerson

    Chief Technology Officer 

    Orange Business

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