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I received an evaluation copy of TripIt Pro several months ago. Unfortunately, I had to cancel the first trip after that. And the one after that as well. But I have had time to explore the latest version of TripIt Pro, which now sits ready to support a trip in July 2022. Earlier versions of the service proved valuable in trips across the globe. TripIt offers value before trips and during them. The services insights help subscribers realize how many adventures they have shared. A free version will serve for most, while a Pro version at $49 will likely find more than one way to pay for itself.
TripIt is the ultimate travel companion for travels, either business or casual. I find it not only the ultimate travel companion but an essential one in these days of travel uncertainty.
At its root, TripIt put all travel documents in one place. No need to find e-mails, screenshots or anything else. Just open TripIt and the content is there.
That all of your content exists in TripIt presupposes you placed it there. TripIt makes capturing traveling information easy by tying personal e-mail addresses to a profile. Simply send itineraries to plans@tripit.com and most of the time, TripIt’s content parsers populate the database for the trip. Based on days and locations, TripIt combines information, such as airfare, hotel, and rental car, without manually bringing them together.
To make it even easier, TripIt also connects to inboxes, scanning them for travel information and putting that information into the database without the owner’s intervention.
The typical name for a trip starts off with either the destination or the starting point and destination plus the dates, depending on which document creates a new record. All of that information is easy to edit.
The remainder of the documents, from maps or photos or PDFs, can all be integrated with TripIt manually. Sometimes I travel so much that I forget which room I’m in on any given night. I take a picture of the door when I get to the hotel and associate that with the hotel reservation.
TripIt also offers a doubly secure section that requires a second long-in or facial recognition to access and capture all of the data associated with one’s driver’s license and passport.
TripIt is a service, not just an app. So, if all of your documents are stolen, along with your phone, you can still recover all of your information, including your passport information, by logging into your TripIt account.
The service also offers travel insights, some critical, some for fun, or for personal information. For current travel, its COVID-19 Travel Guidance offers the latest information on restrictions and requirements at destinations, starting at the local airport.
On the fun side, TripIt delivers travel statistics. They have slowed appreciably over the last two years but will hopefully pick up soon.
Dan’s Travel Stats June 2022. (Only captured since I started using TripIt.)
And for environmentally conscious travelers TripIt offers a view of a flight’s carbon footprint.
And with TripIt no more manually typing travel entries into your calendar. Simply subscribe to the TripIt feed and all travel plans show up on a Google or Microsoft calendar.
I have never had TripIt fail me on the road. Everything I put into TripIt was easily accessed. I had every number and reference, so it didn’t matter what the hotel, rental car company, car service, or airline I was looking for, I had it.
Some features do require basic setup, but most of it consists of either entering an e-mail address or cutting and pasting a string. TripIt is not a tool that requires technical prowess beyond casual familiarity with the target operating system.
iPad users will enjoy a rich, landscape experience that understands the value of the iPad’s real estate and honors it with a native app rather than a stretched iPhone app.
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By Dan W. Rasmus, Serious Insights